Having Your KIDNEY Donor Find YOU!

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Introduction and Overview

Click here to watch - 2:48 mins.

Creating Your Team

Click here to watch - 2:16 mins.

Developing Your Story

Click here to watch - 2:49 mins.

Knowledge Builds


Click here to watch- 2:51 mins.

Telling Your Story - in Person

Click here to watch - 2:03 mins.

Telling Your Story - Using Email

Click here to watch - 2:28 mins.

Telling Your Story - Social Media

Click here to watch - 2:38 mins.

Telling Your Story -Getting Creative

Click here towatch - 2:58 mins.

Donor/Recipient Compatibility

Click here to watch - 3:03 mins.

Paired Exchanges

Click here to watch - 2:00 mins.


Click here to watch - 1:50 mins.


Getting started with: Tuesdays with … updates

The idea with Tuesdays with… updates is to send out an email reminder, Subject line ‘Tuesday with… then add your name. You can use it to update your advocates and everyone you are in touch with. The email can be an update on your health, an interesting article or news about kidney transplants, or even a relevant story about the transplant community. Sometimes you might just say, ‘I’m still kidney campaigning.’ The decision to donate is a process for many so it’s important to keep reminding people about your need. Your emails should include updates on your progress and recent articles/educational information about living kidney donation.

Add interest by using pictures or videos, but keep the message short. One of your Advocates could even be the one to send out these updates. Keep it positive and concise.  

At the bottom of each email, kindly ask that they share this with friends. You could also include the link to the Having Your KIDNEY Donor Find YOU! website and suggest that they register and watch the videos so they can learn more on how to help. You might also include the web link to your transplant center’s donor information page and the email of the living donor coordinator. Some may want to learn more about the transplant process before talking to you. Which is understandable. But before including the coordinator’s email, it’s best to ask the transplants center’s prior permission.

Tuesdays with… updates will give you an easy way to stay in touch with your advocates and others via email. After receiving a few emails from you, they will start to look forward to your updates.

At the bottom of each update you should include:

  1. A link to the Having Your Donor Find YOU! website
  2. The contact information for the living donor coordinator at your transplant center. (First get the prior permission of your transplant center).
  3. A request to pass this email on to others who might want to know about your need for a kidney transplant.
  4. Include ways that your reader(s) can help you in future emails.

To learn how to receive daily articles about kidney transplants go to “How to Receive Google Alerts” in the Supporting Resources section.

Your First Tuesdays with…update

For your first Tuesdays with… update, you could use “your story” that was discussed in Episode #2. Should you have a lengthy story, you might want to convey the information over a few emails.
Here are examples of what you can include in future emails:

Here are examples of what you can include in future emails:

  1. As you know, I’m actively pursuing a living kidney donor. There are many benefits from a living donor versus one from a deceased donor. Most importantly is that you don’t have to wait for a transplant. (If you are on dialysis you could mention that being on dialysis negatively impacts your long-term health. If you aren’t on dialysis you could mention that you would like to avoid being on dialysis.) And a kidney from a living donor lasts on average twice as long as one from a deceased donor.
  2. I’ve been asked, “Am I too old to donate.” It’s not your age, but your health. Many people 65 years old and older have donated. Recently, an 83-year-old woman donated.
  3. Many people think that it’s a one in a million chance to be a match with me. But today’s “matching” process has made it much easier to donate. And if you are not a “match,” (which is referred to as being incompatible) there’s a process called paired exchanges where incompatible pairs “swap” their donors. (You could provide more information about paired exchanges or you could say that next week you’ll include more information about paired exchanges.)
  4. A friend wanted to know if we needed to be the same blood type. I told him that blood type is an important compatibility factor, but at this time what’s important is having someone healthy enough to donate. There are many compatibility factors and as referenced in a previous email, if someone isn’t compatible then we could look into being in a paired exchange.
  5. Is there an inspiration quote you like? If so, add it to your emails or occasionally insert one in the body of the text. Here’s one that might catch your eye. “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. ... If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune… If you want to be happiness for a lifetime – help someone else.” Chinese Proverb.
  6. Here’s another someone can help. In your update, say that you are trying to get an article written about you in the local paper. Ask if they know anyone from a local paper or a journalist who you could contact. Maybe someone can help you update or edit your story. People want to help if you provide them with an opportunity or a task they can accomplish.
  7. I am very grateful for the continued support I’m receiving from family members and friends and will continue to keep you up to date on my progress.
  8. I’ve been asked by many “what could I do to help.” Other than being tested as a potential donor, (here’s the contact info for the donor coordinator at the hospital,) you can help spread the word about my situation. Attached you’ll find a flyer that I’ve been putting on local bulletin boards, local coffee shops, etc. Many retail locations have a public bulletin board. I’ve also placed this flyer in libraries and places of worship. It would be very helpful if you could print these out disseminate to friends and place them in locations where you live. I have a large supply of business cards that also tell my story. I could mail some to you and they could be attached with double face tape to the bottom of the flyer or handed out directly to people you meet.
  9. I’m scheduling a brain storming session at my house to come up with additional ideas on how I could spread the word. I want to know if you are able to attend. (You could read about Home Get-Togethers in the Supporting Resources section.

Click here for a printable vertson.

© Living Kidney Donors Network | A Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization | Feedback: Harvey@HavingYourKidneyDonorFindYou.orgPrivacy Policy


Do you want to share this page with someone?

To share this page with an advocate or someone else, simply copy and paste some of the following information in an email, with the subject line: "My Need for a Kidney Transplant"

In the body of the email you can copy & paste one of the examples below. Of course, you can edit it as you see fit.

As you know, I’m in need of a kidney transplant and I’m pursuing a living donor. 
I’ve been fortunate that I’ve found an online program that’s been very helpful. It has educated me to the transplant process and provided me direction on how to develop my campaign to let others know about my situation. 
Enlisting others to help spread the word, will increase my chance of success. I’m asking if you will help me spread the word.
Please follow this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch a short Trailer about the program. It will give you a good idea of what the program is about and how you could help. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
I’ll call you in a day or two.


Good to talk with you the other day and thanks for your interest in helping me spread the word about my situation.
Please click on this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch the short Trailer about the program I mentioned. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
It’s simple to watch and will provide helpful information about living kidney donation. 
I’ll call you in a few days to discuss some of the ideas they suggest.

LKDN Privacy Policy

Living Kidney Donors Network (LKDN) respects and protects the privacy of our visitors to the web site. LKDN is the sole owner of the information collected. We do not sell, share or rent any personal information to others. LKDN collects this information for the sole purpose of analyzing visitor interests, administering the site, tracking movement, and to gather limited demographic information for use and delivery of information to visitors. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. The types of personally identifiable information that may be collected include the information that you may provide, i.e. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and information about your interests in the LKDN. The information that you provide is stored in a database accessible only to authorized LKDN personnel. 

The LKDN may use the information you provide to notify you about our programs and services and to respond to your inquiries and information you’ve requested. 

There are hyperlinks throughout the LKDN web site to other sites which are not under the control of the LKDN. These links are provided as a service to our visitors and users and for your reference only. The LKDN is not responsible for the privacy practices of web sites hyperlinked or listed as resources on its site. It is your responsibility to review the privacy

LKDN undertakes to provide information in a manner that is clear to our visitors.