Having Your KIDNEY Donor Find YOU!
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Introduction and Overview
Click here to watch - 2:48 mins.
Creating Your Team
Click here to watch - 2:16 mins.
Developing Your Story
Click here to watch - 2:49 mins.
Telling Your Story - in Person
Click here to watch - 2:03 mins.
Telling Your Story - Using Email
Click here to watch - 2:28 mins.
Telling Your Story - Social Media
Click here to watch - 2:38 mins.
Telling Your Story -Getting Creative
Click here towatch - 2:58 mins.
Donor/Recipient Compatibility
Click here to watch - 3:03 mins.
Paired Exchanges
Click here to watch - 2:00 mins.
Click here to watch - 1:50 mins.
As you know, developing your story is the central theme to your kidney campaign and the most effective way for your donor to find you. Here are three main goals that you want to achieve when developing your story:
The most important thing is for your story to be authentic and for it to be from your heart. This is how you’ll make a memorable connection that will motivate someone to learn more and ultimately take action.
Here are some important things to include:
Developing your story is similar to writing a cover letter for a job search. Your goal is to connect with someone so they are motivated to share this with others or consider donating themselves.
As an example, here is my story:
Dear _________,
This is a letter I never thought I’d be writing 5 years after my kidney transplant and 4 years after launching the Living Kidney Donors Network…especially after helping so many recipients and kidney donors through the transplant process.
I’ve had some challenges with my transplanted kidney, and I need to have another kidney transplant.
The transplanted kidney my wife donated to me in 2007 enabled me to live a full and rewarding life for these years, but it has been damaged as a result of the virus I contracted. While the virus is rare, patients who have had this virus do well when re-transplanted.
Other than this virus I’ve been staying in good shape, working out regularly, eating healthy and regularly monitoring my kidney tests.
I will be going on the kidney transplant waiting list for a deceased donor kidney, but it’s far more beneficial for me to pursue a living kidney donor. The main reasons for this are that the deceased waiting list is over 5 years and the kidney from a living donor lasts on average twice as long as a deceased donor. Also, if at all possible, I would like to avoid going on dialysis, which can be debilitating.
Let me tell you a few key points about kidney transplants:
If you or others would like to learn more about the donation process, please contact me or the living donor transplant coordinator to discuss it in detail.
I would really appreciate it if you can pass this information along to your family members and/or friends who might be interested in learning about my situation.
Thanks very much for your support and concern for taking time to learn more.
All the best,
As we’ve discussed, it’s important to abbreviate your full story so you can convey this to more people as the opportunity arises. This is called an Elevator Speech. Here is more about that process.
The Elevator Speech
The elevator speech is a quick summary of your longer story that you developed. It’s named for the time it takes for a short ride in an elevator, roughly 30 seconds or less. Strive to make this crisp, concise and compelling.
You, (and your advocates,) can use your elevator speech when someone says, “Hi, how are you?” After you or your advocate responds with “Kidney Campaigning” they’ll likely want to hear more and it’s the perfect time to use your elevator speech. (I like the ‘Kidney Campaigning response because it get’s someone’s attention quickly. You can also just say “I’m OK, but you might not know that I’m in need of a kidney transplant”, and then proceed with your elevator speech from there).
Remember to stay focused on the most important message you want others to remember. You can end the conversation by telling them how appreciative you’d be if they could please share your story with others. You might even ask them for their email address so you can provide them with more information or hand them one of your business cards.
Keep in mind that you don’t always have to be prompted with someone saying, “hi, how are you” to give your elevator speech. Opportunities present themselves all the time at grocery stores, coffee shops, an Uber ride, almost anywhere. Many recipients have met their donor in these types of situations.
Not everyone makes the decision to donate or help someone the first time they learn about it so staying in touch opens that opportunity for them in the future.
Take some time and give some thought to your elevator speech. It should feel natural, authentic and sincere. It may not feel comfortable the first few times you tell someone your elevator speech, but it will get better, especially if you practice. Make changes to it if it doesn’t feel right If you get emotional, just pause for a moment, people will understand. That pause might reinforce the importance of your need and help others connect closely with your situation.
Here is the Elevator Speech I used to communicate my need:
You may not be aware, but I’ve had some challenges with my transplanted kidney and I need to have another kidney transplant. The transplanted kidney my wife donated to me in 2007 enabled me to live a full and rewarding life for those 5 years, but it has been damaged as a result of a virus that attacked my kidney.
I will be going on the kidney transplant waiting list for a deceased donor kidney, but it’s far more beneficial for me to pursue a living kidney donor. The main reasons for this are that the deceased donor waiting list is over 5 years and the kidney from a living donor lasts on average twice as long as a deceased donor.
I am spreading the word as broadly as possible because I’m motivated to have a living donor transplant.
(If the conversation continues, here is some additional information I was prepared to discuss:)
I would appreciate it if you could please share this message with your family members and/or friends who might be interested in learning about my situation.
Thank you so much!
As you can see it all starts with composing a clear, concise and authentic message so others understand your situation and know what they can do to help. Once you have the full story in mind (and on paper), you can trim it back to the essential points for communication with others in your day-to-day life.
You can also share your story via an email to a group of family and friends. This might not come across as warm and personal as an in-person conversation but it lets you share your need with many people quickly. I urge you to follow-up with conversations to those you’ve written so you can reinforce the importance of your need and answer any questions they might have.
This is all about helping your donor find you, so develop a communication plan that fits your style and personal community.
Click here for a printable version.
© Living Kidney Donors Network | A Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization | Feedback: Harvey@HavingYourKidneyDonorFindYou.org | Privacy Policy
To share this page with an advocate or someone else, simply copy and paste some of the following information in an email, with the subject line: "My Need for a Kidney Transplant"
In the body of the email you can copy & paste one of the examples below. Of course, you can edit it as you see fit.
As you know, I’m in need of a kidney transplant and I’m pursuing a living donor.
I’ve been fortunate that I’ve found an online program that’s been very helpful. It has educated me to the transplant process and provided me direction on how to develop my campaign to let others know about my situation.
Enlisting others to help spread the word, will increase my chance of success. I’m asking if you will help me spread the word.
Please follow this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch a short Trailer about the program. It will give you a good idea of what the program is about and how you could help. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
I’ll call you in a day or two.
Good to talk with you the other day and thanks for your interest in helping me spread the word about my situation.
Please click on this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch the short Trailer about the program I mentioned. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
It’s simple to watch and will provide helpful information about living kidney donation.
I’ll call you in a few days to discuss some of the ideas they suggest.
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