Having Your KIDNEY Donor Find YOU!
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Introduction and Overview
Click here to watch - 2:48 mins.
Creating Your Team
Click here to watch - 2:16 mins.
Developing Your Story
Click here to watch - 2:49 mins.
Telling Your Story - in Person
Click here to watch - 2:03 mins.
Telling Your Story - Using Email
Click here to watch - 2:28 mins.
Telling Your Story - Social Media
Click here to watch - 2:38 mins.
Telling Your Story -Getting Creative
Click here towatch - 2:58 mins.
Donor/Recipient Compatibility
Click here to watch - 3:03 mins.
Paired Exchanges
Click here to watch - 2:00 mins.
Click here to watch - 1:50 mins.
As was expressed in Episode #8, there are many factors that go into whether a recipient and donor are compatible, this document does not cover all of them.
One that was not mentioned in that episode are HLAs. (Human Leukocyte Antigens.) In the early days of kidney transplants, recipients and donors needed to match all 6 antigens that have been identified as having an important role for the transplant to be successful. The new anti-rejection drugs that recipients take are so effective, that a perfect “match” is no longer needed. Therefore, HLA matching typically is not a factor that determines whether someone is compatible.
Here’s additional information on the three important blood tests done to determine donor/recipient compatibility.
Scientists have known for many years that blood group matching is important for blood transfusions and it is equally important in kidney transplantation.
There are four major blood types. These types are simply noted as blood type A, B, AB and O and referred to as ABO. The Rh factor, the positive or negative feature in blood typing is not an issue when determining compatibility between a donor and a recipient.
Blood Type Compatibility Chart
Donor Blood Type % Average % of Population | Can Donate to | Recipient Blood Type |
O 48% | A,B, AB, O | |
A 32% | A or AB (O)* | |
B 16% | B or AB | |
AB 4% | AB |
(Blood Type O is the Universal Donor: donors with O blood are compatible with any other blood type)
Recipient Blood Type | Can Receive | Blood Type |
O | O (A)* | |
A | A or O | |
B | B or O | |
AB | A or B or AB or O |
* There is a subgroup of donors who are blood type A’s called A2s that may be able to donate to a blood type O recipient. If you are blood type O and have a blood type A donor, you should ask your center if your donor would be able to be your donor.
PRA’s - Panel Reactive Antibodies
PRA’s, panel reactive antibodies is a blood test that measures the level of antibodies in the recipients blood. The more antibodies you have, the more difficult it will be to find a compatible donor. A person's PRA can be anywhere from 0% to 100%. Your PRA represents the percent of the U.S. population that the antibodies in your blood would react to and reject the kidney. For example, having a PRA of 25 means that 25% of the population will not be able to donate a kidney to you. The antibodies present in your blood would attack the transplanted kidney and can cause immediate rejection.
You can develop high PRA’s from a blood transfusion, an earlier transplant or for some women, from being pregnant.
There are ways of lowering PRA’s through a procedure called Plasmapheresis a blood-cleansing process that can lower the dangerous antibodies from the blood. If you have a high level of antibodies, also referred to as being “sensitized” you should speak to your center to about plasmapheresis.
Cross matching is sometimes done early in the evaluation process and always done a few days before you are transplanted. It is usually one of the final test performed on a kidney donor and recipient.
The basic cross match test involves a mixing of cells and serum of the donor and recipient to determine whether or not the recipient will respond to the transplanted organ by attempting to reject it
You want the cross match to be negative. A negative cross match means that the recipient has not responded to the donor and therefore transplant can proceed .
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© Living Kidney Donors Network | A Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organization | Feedback: Harvey@HavingYourKidneyDonorFindYou.org | Privacy Policy
To share this page with an advocate or someone else, simply copy and paste some of the following information in an email, with the subject line: "My Need for a Kidney Transplant"
In the body of the email you can copy & paste one of the examples below. Of course, you can edit it as you see fit.
As you know, I’m in need of a kidney transplant and I’m pursuing a living donor.
I’ve been fortunate that I’ve found an online program that’s been very helpful. It has educated me to the transplant process and provided me direction on how to develop my campaign to let others know about my situation.
Enlisting others to help spread the word, will increase my chance of success. I’m asking if you will help me spread the word.
Please follow this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch a short Trailer about the program. It will give you a good idea of what the program is about and how you could help. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
I’ll call you in a day or two.
Good to talk with you the other day and thanks for your interest in helping me spread the word about my situation.
Please click on this link - www.havingyourdonorfindyou.org/ to go to the website and watch the short Trailer about the program I mentioned. To watch more videos, you’ll need to register. Registration is free.
It’s simple to watch and will provide helpful information about living kidney donation.
I’ll call you in a few days to discuss some of the ideas they suggest.
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